
Welcome to The Journey to Happiness

I spent most of my 20’s depressed and overly anxious about everything. All I wanted was to be happy, but that seemed so out of reach. I went through a string of the wrong relationships always thinking that when I found the person I was going to build my life with, I would finally be happy. Spoiler alert, that didn’t work! The first 6-8 months of my relationship with my now husband were some of the lowest of my life.

I truly believe that we are all in charge of our own happiness and my goal with this blog is to help guide you on your own journey. Together we will try new things, let go of perfectionism, learn about ourselves through journaling, focus on our physical health so it does not hinder our mental and emotional health, expand our intelectual horizons, and focus on finding happiness in the little aspects of everyday life!

Ultimately I discovered that I had to make my own happiness. I needed a purpose. I needed to let go of perfectionism. I needed to discover myself independent of anyone else.

I plan to post every day using the following schedule:

  • Monday: Find Joy in the Little Things
    • I am going to start the week off by giving you an example of something small that can bring you happiness and help you look at life in a more positive light.
  • Tuesday: Podcast or YouTube Video Review
    • On Tuesday’s I will share a Podcast or YouTube video with you that will be thought provoking in some way and my synopsis of the value I gained
  • Wednesday: Imperfect Art Journal
    • On hump day, together we will take 15 minutes to create something imperfect! This is just about having a creative outlet and unwinding. No pressure at all!
  • Thursday: Healthy Habits
    • Thursday’s will be all about small healthy habits. Physical health is such an important part of mental and emotional health. We don’t need to be marathon runners or body builders. Small things can make a big difference in how we feel.
  • Friday: Expand your Horizons
    • This will be a rotating schedule of:
      • Getting to Know Me
        • My hope is this will open discussions and give us a forum to get to know each other!
      • A monthly book club
        • We will read a combination of fiction and non-fiction books and reflect on how learning about other cultures, ways of living, and more can help us be less judgmental about others and also less judgmental of ourselves!
      • Trying something new together
        • This is going to be something new and random every month that has nothing to do with crafting! Trying new things is a great way to discover our passions.
      • A psychology lesson
        • Every Month I will share research on a topic I find interesting that I believe will help you in your journey. Knowledge is Power!
  • Saturday: Craft and Create
    • I have found that creating brings me joy so I want to share that with you all! This will be a rotating creation based schedule of:
      • Crochet
      • Painting
      • Jewlery Making
      • Craft Something New – A new/random craft each month
    • The first three categories will remain consistent throughout 2025 but we may switch things up in 2026 so let me know if you have any ideas or crafts you would like to explore together!
  • Sunday: Weekly Journal Prompt
    • Most of what we are doing in this blog is looking forward, but reflecting on and processing our past will always us to move forward with less baggage. I am going to provide a weekly journal prompt for us, but if you have anything weighing on your mind, feel free to add to your journal anytime! Use it as a tool for personal growth.

If you want to get to know a little more about me, check out this blog post.

Start Your Journey

As much as we wish it could, happiness doesn’t happen overnight. Check out the blog and/or subscribe to get emails about future posts and join me on discovering yourself and creating your happiness!